30 April 2011



this guy. this video. changing. JOHN LANDIS- direction. 1983. mashing filmmaking with music. wasnt really done like this before. with the emergence of MTV< as sad as it is to say, mtv is proof that good things come to an end> MTV's helped change the random video that was played alongside music to actual real music videos that represent the song. more meaning, more impression. starring Ola Ray. 
" im going to have to warn you im a little bit different."

irony. video killed the radio star. first moving picture music thing on ze MTV in the 80's.

23 April 2011


riding clouds is much simpler than easy
please be,
on the beam
perceptions; things arent what they seem
breathe, seed, feed
from places you do and dont know
you learn to grow.


aint nothing but a number.
i have so much time i feel, what should i do with it>

give me a drive. something push me in some direction. i need to be more handy on this damn laptop.

20 April 2011

beat, bass, boom.

420 is april 20 the day to smoke your best bud, or national pot smoking day. It all started with a bunch of teenagers called the Waldos.

Simply put, 420 is a symbol of cannabis and its culture. Today, April 20th events are international, and 4:20 pm has become sort of a world wide "burn time".

11 April 2011

head drive thru. RUN

i lost her.
did i need her

the new one, i like a lot
i want em both
the pain almost cut too close
need a boost, not a boast
in the the end,
its the trust that has dwindled the most.

10 April 2011

mama mia,

boy oh boy, how does one say the things jumbled inside their heads? .

write it out, bitch.
finally got my camera back. lets get ta postin

09 April 2011

habla me.

someone PLEASE help the team free fucking earl. look at this cat, he needs to be out demonstrating for the people.

eyo, click me and you get some newly released sweatshirt.

02 April 2011


he says that i have to take one breathe at a time. slow, pace it, accept it, embrace it. feel it.

dont trip on your thoughts. stay steady and keep pushing.
i know they'd hug me if they were here.

01 April 2011


ive been sleeping so well lately. missing out on shit, but sleeping well non the less. feels like a good combo.

tell me, what is a friend? how does one acquire a good one. these melodies seem much safer to me.
masked intentions cause hesitation.
uncover what is true to you and always check before you share.
seeming impossible, rare.