09 December 2013


money doesn't grow on trees. you must work hard for it.
learn a skill, attain a 9-5 and live the dream.

but sometimes, we need a little help getting there.
a step ladder to the dream.
a spoon to sip the cream.
get that money now,
because what i saw on tv seems like the right fit for me
so if i can just borrow that cash now, sir
ill repay you tomorrow with extra
because i gotta have that fur, that gold, that car, that house
& im pretty sure he would love me if i donned that blouse.
yeh my pockets are low now,
and i guess my spirit is too
so just loan me that flow
give me the opportunity to grow

but ohhhh,
oh mr. moneyman, you gotta sweet plan
you know im not changing my ways
and the next will be the darkest days

house loans and student loans. a vicious cycle of let the thin bubble increase.