09 December 2013


money doesn't grow on trees. you must work hard for it.
learn a skill, attain a 9-5 and live the dream.

but sometimes, we need a little help getting there.
a step ladder to the dream.
a spoon to sip the cream.
get that money now,
because what i saw on tv seems like the right fit for me
so if i can just borrow that cash now, sir
ill repay you tomorrow with extra
because i gotta have that fur, that gold, that car, that house
& im pretty sure he would love me if i donned that blouse.
yeh my pockets are low now,
and i guess my spirit is too
so just loan me that flow
give me the opportunity to grow

but ohhhh,
oh mr. moneyman, you gotta sweet plan
you know im not changing my ways
and the next will be the darkest days

house loans and student loans. a vicious cycle of let the thin bubble increase.

07 November 2013


time flies.

hahahaha, but i have things to account for with all that time spent gone.

soooo, what have i been doing? this & that.

the journey:

learning about this world, this body, this self. its crazy how much will reveal itself if you just stare at it intently.

i started off scared, cold, shaken. but i knew i had to get somewhere. there was no point in staying in pitiful discomfort.
so i inched out of the cave. one muscle movement at a time.

reminds me of kitsungi-
the Japanese art of fixing broken ceramic with seams made of gold. a mistake, a breaking turned into something more beautiful than the original.
this concept makes me smile.

i will be honest with you. i broke. i crashed, smashed, plummeted, railed, fell.
i ignored myself, i sought the numbing of my existence too blind to see the life that was to be had. my mentality was adorned with adolescence. nothing was my fault, i blamed the dealer for the hand that i was dealt. problem was being too prideful to learn the rules. foolish ignorance of not knowing / understanding the game.

i needed the fall. the graceless, self driven plight to the bottom, which once i hit, i cracked. and through that crack a piece of light shown through. a small sliver of a ray. although tiny, it shined with magnificent brilliance. it warmed up my being, gave awareness to the lightness of life. with this lightness i rose. im still rising.

im rising,
im smiling,
im grasping,
im attaining,
im passionate,
im breathing,
im seeing,
i am
i am alive.